Every Stick Counts!
It takes a community to build a nest, and we welcome every single stick you, your business, or organization can provide to help us bring healing arts offerings to the public. Take a look at the ways you can build with us below. Have another idea on how you can contribute? Drop us a line!

Help us have our Voices Heard all across America!
We have a goal to have two printed copies of Voices Heard Magazine reach survivors' hands in each and every state this April. We want these magazines to reach survivors everywhere. Buy a magazine for yourself or send one to an ally or survivor friend. We would also love to have these go out to therapist and doctors' offices. By donating to the magazine, we will make sure they get into all of these hands!
Nesting Sponsorship
We appreciate your organization or business sponsorship. Nest Levels are outlined below
At this level we will list you as our title sponsor on all promotions and press release. We will mention you at all programming with prominent logo display at the exhibit, on our gallery brochure and website. We will also credit you on social media.
At this level. we will list you as a sponsor on all promotions and press release. We will mention you at all programming with substantial logo display at the exhibit, on the gallery brochure, and on our website. We will also credit you on social media.
At this level. we will list you as a sponsor at the exhibit with a logo display on our gallery brochure and website. We will also credit you on social media.
At this level. we will list you as a sponsor at the exhibit with a logo display on our gallery brochure and website. We will also credit you on social media.
At this level. we will provide a mention (text only) on our website and on our gallery brochure
Would you like to make a contribution that is tax-deductable?
Survivor Nest is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Survivor Nest must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.